Making Me New

Making me

Happy Easter Sunday friends!

I hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend with friends and family. I have been reflecting a lot lately on the word “new” and I felt this weekend would be the perfect time to write about it.

Easter is about redemption and resurrection. Things you thought were dead or gone have come back to life in a big way. Jesus was buried and then He rose to make us all new in Him. #praise

Looking back, 2018 was probably one of the most challenging years for me. The latter half of the year proved to be one of the hardest seasons I’ve walked through in my life. There was about a 6 month period where I just felt stuck. Like I couldn’t move forward or couldn’t progress, I was just spinning my wheels. I wanted so badly to feel like I was moving into a new season of life, but sometimes it just takes time. However, in that in-between time, it is easy to feel hopeless.

I would imagine this is how the disciples felt when Jesus was hung on the cross. They felt hopeless and like there was no way they would be able to come back from something so awful (thank the Lord that wasn’t the case). Those 3 days Jesus was in the tomb probably felt like an eternity and the disciples probably felt a lot like they were stuck and lost- what do we do now that Jesus is gone?

Not to say that what I’ve gone through in any way can compare to what the disciples and those around Jesus felt when He was crucified. However, I do think Jesus cares about my problems regardless of how big or small.

Back at the beginning of the new year, I felt the Lord put on my heart the word “new”. It was constantly on my mind and one day I was scrolling through Instagram when I came across this verse:

Under the cherry blossoms-2

After seeing this, I decided this was going to be my verse for the year. I felt the most peace I have had in a long time. Even though things seemed bleak and I wasn’t totally sure how God was going to make something good or new out of my situation, I trusted that He would. It may not have been in the way I saw things, but I’m thankful for that. He always knows better than I.

I can only imagine the disciples felt the same way- how in the world could something good come of Jesus being crucified? Why did God allow that to happen? Why did He let Jesus suffer?

As awful as it is, sometimes, suffering is necessary. Difficult seasons are necessary. Hard times are necessary. But, no matter how hopeless something may seem, redemption is always possible. Even through death, Jesus showed us there can be life.

The second half of 2018, I didn’t see how Jesus could make things new for me. Even coming into 2019, I didn’t see how Jesus could make everything better and revive things in my life, but He did. Four months into this year and I’ve seen Him grow, challenge, change, and transform who I am. He has made my life- spiritual, personal, and professional- new. He’s been faithful and stuck to His promise that He won’t leave me and even if I wander, He’s there when I come back.

As awful as those 3 days were, Sunday morning came and Jesus came back. In our lives, “Sunday” will always come. It may take more than 3 days, but it will come. I want to encourage you on this Easter Sunday to have a heart filled with hope. Regardless of where you are at in life or what you’re going through, Christ died so He could make you new— trust His plan and open your heart to what He has for you.

Happy Easter y’all!


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